Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Chemical Reaction: Calcium and Aluminum Sulfate

In our reaction between calcium and aluminum sulfate, a moderately violent reaction took place and produced a bubbling, steaming solution and a bit of heat as products.

We put the aluminum sulfate in an aqueous solution, stirring until it dissolved completely. Then we put the calcium in and the reaction started instantly. This was a single replacement reaction. The aluminum dissolved in calcium sulfate by the replacement of one metal by a more active metal.

3Ca+Al2 (SO4)3 ---> 2Al + 3Ca(SO4)

As you conduct this reaction you should see the aqueous solution start to change a murky white color. The solution should also start to make a thick white steamy cloud above the beaker. There was also heat production, the beaker was a little warm after we were done.

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